Deliver Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Benefits to Association Members
Power Inclusive Cultures Across Your Association
Help your association members with their diversity, equity and inclusion journey by becoming a Spectra Diversity Association Partner. With that one step, you can provide your members with the Spectra Diversity Inclusion Assessment™ and deliver targeted DEI analysis, consultation, strategies and intervention measures across their organization. All as a member benefit.

Help Your Association Members Succeed
The accurate data gathered through the assessment offers your members valuable DEI data, no matter the size of their organization. Once completed, you’ll be able to help them analyze the results, recommend and deliver targeted DEI strategies to assist with their system-wide culture change – all backed by solid data.
The Spectra Assessment is ideal for:
- Organization-wide benchmarking
- Divisional or line-of-business groups
- Employee resource groups
- Diversity councils
- Organizations of all sizes
- Non-profits, education, manufacturing, healthcare and more
Association Partner Benefits
- Discounted Spectra Assessments
- Password-protected link to Spectra Diversity’s downloadable files and updates
- Email communication templates
- Guest blogs to build your image and outreach
- Spectra Assessment report co-branding
- Option: Complete DEI Facilitation Kit with Train-the-Trainer provided by Spectra Diversity
- Marketing materials to co-brand or use as-is
- Certificate designating you as a Spectra Diversity Association Partner
- Spectra Diversity website listing with link to your website (optional – reciprocal)
- Referrals from Spectra Diversity clients that need DEI facilitators (if appropriate)
Ongoing Support for all Spectra Diversity Partners
- Monthly online meetings with DEI experts
- Video support
- Spectra LinkedIn group
- DEI Topics – Some are currently in the Facilitator kit, others are in development
- Webinar snippets – Spectra Assessment demo (to share with prospective clients or organization executives)
- Webinar archives for building DEI best practices
- Gain brand awareness with guest blogs (ongoing option for Spectra partners)
- Case studies: see how other organizations use the Spectra Assessment
- White Papers
Turnkey Operation for Association Partners
- Process documents including implementation guidelines
- Spectra Assessment communication templates
- Spectra Diversity results/data interpretation
- First data consultation no charge
- Fee for service as needed for subsequent data consultation
- Assistance during Partner meetings with clients on an as-needed basis
- Regularly scheduled meetings/webinars
- Product and process updates
- Facilitator Kit updates/changes/suggestions
- Association Partner Client Support/Prospecting sessions (appearing on their behalf)
Inclusion and Diversity in the Workplace: Assessment Options for Organizations
Research shows that the simple fact that diversity and inclusion is being measured, will increase the individual’s sense of inclusion and perception of belonging.
- Option: Check out our Spectra Diversity Pricing for Partners
- Option: Check out other self-assessments
- Option: Information sheet (PDF) about becoming an Association Partner
- Option: Schedule a demo to show me how the Spectra Assessment works