Annual Spectra Assessment Report (ASAR) featuring small and medium sized businesses
The first of its kind, Spectra Diversity releases the Annual Spectra Assessment Report (ASAR) looking at DEI data collected from small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and educational institutions, rather than at the Fortune 500 organizations examined in other reports.
Download and review each annual report PDF using the following links.
Understand DEI Progress with the ASAR
The ASAR is based on the Spectra Diversity Inclusion Assessment, the only validated dual diversity and inclusion (D&I) assessment that measures both individuals and the organization as a whole. The unique benefit of Spectra Diversity’s dual assessment is that it enables organizations and educational institutions to see where they rank on key D&I measures while also giving individuals insights into their beliefs and their interpersonal skills.
The statistically significant findings in the ASAR come from analyzing data from 7,433 respondents working in nine different industries. The intent of the ASAR is to provide additional insights into the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) progress being made, gaps that exist, and provide a path forward as organizations expand their efforts to provide inclusivity as well as diversity within their ranks.

Chris Jones, Spectra Diversity CEO
Many CEOs are unsure where to begin. Organizations need to assess the situation first, so they gain a clear understanding of which issues they need to focus on.” — Chris Jones, Spectra Diversity CEO and founding partner
ASAR Key Finding: Focus on Management and the 3Ps in DEI Strategies
Key findings from the ASAR confirmed the hypothesis that multi-racial, Black and/or LGBTQ employees would be more dissatisfied with management compared to straight white men. Overall, the research revealed that participants have more positive feelings about their organization’s culture than with its management and/or its policies, practices and procedures (3Ps).
2023 Insights
The ASAR 2023 contains insights into the industries within which Spectra Diversity’s assessments have been taken. The data Spectra Diversity has collected is supplemented with outside resources and references. The industries are arranged in alphabetical order and include:
- Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing
- Construction
- Education
- Engineering, Accounting, Research & Management Services
- Finance, Insurance & Real Estate Healthcare
- Manufacturing
- Non-profit or NGO
- Public Administration
- Retail Trade
- Services
2022 Insights
The ASAR 2022 includes intersectionality insights. We cross-referenced gender and race/ethnicity and confirmed our hypothesis that white straight men come out as the most positive about management with Black straight women and white third gender/non-binary as the least positive. More insights are included in the actual report.
An organization’s policies, practices and procedures (3Ps) can negatively impact underserved employees such as LGBTQ people who may not feel comfortable ‘being themselves’ at work as well as older employees who want to stay on the professional ladder. These and other underserved people aren’t as wild about their managers and often don’t like the rules of the road.” — Chris Jones, Spectra Diversity CEO and founding partner
ASAR Key Finding: Differences by Age Were Noteworthy
The ASAR found fewer statistical differences among respondents in their individual beliefs related to diversity and inclusion. Differences were noteworthy by age more than by race/ethnicity, gender identity or sexual orientation.
Interpersonal skills, which – like individual belief systems – are formed over time through experience and cultural influences, also highlight the differences between various participant groups. Interpersonal skills include the ability to listen without judgement, speak in an inclusive manner, conduct conversations with those who are different and have insights into one’s own biases.
It’s important to remember that inclusion is a journey, not a destination. Tough conversations are hard to undertake yet discussing diversity is a skill that can be learned.” — Chris Jones, Spectra Diversity CEO and founding partner
ASAR Key Finding: DEI is Good for the Bottom Line in Business
At last, organizations are beginning to recognize that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is not only the right thing to do but is the wise thing to do from a business perspective. Research shows that diversity alone is not enough. Inclusion is the key ingredient that brings real results. Without it, diverse hiring is a revolving door as diverse talent leaves when they’re not truly embraced.
One of the aftermaths of the pandemic is the shift to technology-enabled remote working. While it’s an opportunity for companies to accelerate building an inclusive and agile culture, it challenges existing management routines. With increased flexibility, remote working can facilitate retention of women and minorities, who often shoulder a disproportionate share of family duties, and widen access to diverse talent that previously may not have been available to companies.” — Chris Jones, Spectra Diversity CEO and founding partner
Download the ASAR 2023 and Schedule a Demo
Contact us to learn more about the Spectra Assessment for small and medium sized businesses, associations and educational institutions or to schedule a demo.