Spectra Diversity White Papers
If you feel buried under Internet Information Overload, we’re here with diversity resources to help. We work to keep our Partners and D&I colleagues up to date by keeping abreast of current research and events, distilling it down into documents you can read, use and share. These White Papers include several diversity best practices.

It Isn’t a Black & White Issue: Racial Bias in the U.S. (August 2018)
Racial bias is rooted in economics and a quest for domination. Racism is a social construct. It is systemic, structural and individual and based on the belief in the supremacy of one racial group over another. Racial bias is pervasive, and it compromises the economic, political and social sectors of society. This Spectra Diversity White Paper focuses on racial bias towards African Americans, and includes racial bias towards Native Americans, Japanese Americans and Hispanic people.
The State of DEI: The DEI Train has Left the Station (June 2018)
There are many lessons to be learned by both the successes and setbacks major companies experience. Addressing biases and cultivating an inclusive culture within a workplace is no small feat and there are certain practices that will work best for different companies, with different goals. But do not wait to have a legal issue or a snowball effect of toxicity like Uber or Google – address these issues preemptively and work to make your workplace innovative and fresh.
Implicit Bias: I Know it Exists, Now What? (November 2017)
While implicit bias is not an intentional choice, biases inevitably exist and affect the workplace environment significantly if not addressed. Holding biases unconsciously can be frustrating, let alone understanding how to address such biases. This Spectra Diversity White Paper provides useful strategies to help minimize the impact of implicit bias in the workplace.
The Neuroscience Behind Implicit Bias (September 2017)
No one really starts out the day saying, “I’m going to show my bias today.” Yet, that is the result…we all have unconscious bias. It may seem frustrating that there is no way to understand or control your unconscious. No need to worry: the past few decades of neuroscience and behavioral research have provided immense information explaining the why and how behind unconscious bias. In this paper, research will be explored, as it affects unconscious bias specifically in the workplace.
Understanding Self-Assessments (June 2017)
How important is validity and reliability in a self-assessment? Why is a dedicated self-assessment important? Can’t just a few questions be tacked onto an employee engagement survey? In a world where there’s a sense of urgency around diversity and inclusion, we aim to provide our readers with the knowledge that can put organizations, managers and employees on the path toward a diverse and inclusive culture in which respect and inclusion are consistently demonstrated.